Is meditation bliss a real thing?

Have you ever...

sat on the floor, brows furrowed while intermittently signing trying to experience the meditation bliss you have read about in magazines and blogs?

You want to experience this state of mind but find yourself thinking how do I....

Keep my mind focused?
Follow my breath?
Sit still long enough to find it?

Look no further.

There is no need to seek bliss.
It has always been there.

For many, there is a belief that if I just quieted my mind or focused long enough, my mind would settle.

However, this is where Law of Attraction plays a huge part in our meditation practice.

As we focus on stilling our thoughts, we attract more thoughts.
As we focus on the positions that make us uncomfortable, we attract more discomfort

Your bliss is already there.

Rather than using meditation to find the bliss, think of meditation as a means to let everything else fall away that was standing in the way of your bliss so you can turn up the volume on your inner wisdom that was there all along.

It is not so much a training of the senses to discover your connection as so much as it is a welcoming of the falling away of distractions to allow what has already been there to permeate your mind, heart and soul.

Not sure quite how to do this?

It begins with encouraging the energy from your psychic gate to release up to and connect with your Divine source. Your psychic gate is located at the base of your skull where your neck connects to the skull. It is when we release this energy to the Divine that you no longer even notice your physical world and you integrate into this energetic experience.

Join me for today's meditation, Basking in your Bliss, and bask in this place that was always waiting for you to enjoy, discover and be enlightened by.

See you in meditation!

Much love,