What Are You Spreading?


Are you spreading happiness or fear? 

What are you posting on your newsfeed? What articles are you texting and sharing? Are you talking about all of the generous and kind blessings that are resulting from this pandemic? Or something else?

This is a sensitive time. Facts are important, but there are so many fear-inducing articles and stories depicting the panic some are experiencing that are wreaking havoc on our nervous system and our hearts. 

Yes, COVID-19 is infectious. So is laughter, joy and love. 
As we shift our perspective, our life shifts. 

Which perspective lens have you been using? 

This week at the grocery store, I noticed no one was talking to each other or smiling at each other. Everyone is stressed and looking down. This made me so sad and felt this was the greater tragedy resulting from this pandemic. Our spirits have been broken.

I'm a smiler anyway, but I made a sincere point to hold loving eye contact with every person I interacted with in the aisle. It broke my heart that each person seemed so surprised. We are forgetting in this time of social distancing that we still need each other.  The Divine is in each of us and by way of this, we are connected. A smile can still be achieved at a safe distance. Eye contact can be made and connection can be felt.  I made a point to share love while shopping. 

I wanted to spread love, not fear. 

In a group chat with my some of my best friends, I almost shared something that would have driven fear. I recognized it in time, deleted it and shared something else. I took ownership of what I was sharing. I want to spread love.

We need facts. We don't need fear. I know it's hard to discern between the two in some of these articles.  Before clicking the forward button, pause for a moment and determine what you are sharing. Are you sharing love and hope or are you sharing fear?  

As my amazing and wise mother would always reassure me, "This too shall pass."

Fear is far more infectious than any virus. 

As we learned last week, your frequency determines your health. Spread love and raise your own frequency and others. 

How can you make a difference this week? 

Can you begin your gratitude hand washing to raise your frequency and stay healthy?

Can you commit to smiling and spreading love when you are out for groceries?

Can you pause and count your blessings? Or begin a gratitude journal? 

What are you spreading? You can make a difference one smile at a time. 

Much love,