The day after...

The day after any holiday or event can leave us feeling filled, joyous and basking in amazing memories.

It can also leave us feeling exhausted and frustrated- wishing that events went differently or that people acted differently.

When we find ourselves needing people or situations to be different for us to feel happy, we give away our power.

That's right...we hand our powerful opportunity for happiness right over.

And in doing so, we are the only ones who truly suffer.

This suffering exhausts us, depletes us and leaves us wanting more.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

When we can bask in gratitude for our circumstances and for the people in our life, regardless of their behavior, we can release our attachments to people and situations needing to be a certain way for us to be happy.

When we do so, we find ourselves empowered, joyous and full of contentment.

That is the greatest gift you could give yourself.

We do this by releasing our attachment from the root issue that is really under the frustration.

Why are you really upset?

What are you attached to?

Are you attached to...

being appreciated
being right
being included
being alone with time to refill?

What circumstance needs to change in order for me to be happy?

Why am I giving that experience or person the power over my happiness?

Join me for today's meditation, A meditation for The Day after the party to fill you back up and reestablish your axis of power right back where it belongs, right there within you so you can live a life that is full of joy, happiness and abundance.

I hope this helps you have even more powerful joy throughout these amazing holidays!

Much love,

Erin Garay