How to heal hate

Hi Thriver!

Yesterday, we saw what hate looks like. 

Over and over, on every channel, increasingly more graphic as the day went on, we were shown pictures of hate and fear. 

This is so hard to watch and even harder to process. 

Regardless of political affiliation, these photos from Former President Trump's attempted assassination ignited feelings of fear and sadness in our hearts and left many of us wondering "why would someone do this?" 

Even your inner answer to this question can be illuminating for you in terms of how you are judging others. 

For the past few weeks, I have discussed what faith and purpose look like energetically on my Love.Heal.Thrive. podcast and tomorrow I will be discussing how to heal hate. It's interesting though, energetically, hate is the polar opposite energetic presentation to faith. Hate stems from an underlying feeling of fear and control. It is a moment where faith is absent. In the absence of faith and in trusting that everything happens in the perfect way and time, we decide we must take control, out of fear and lack of faith, and hate whoever is against us. 

We must control who is against us. 
We must dislike whoever disagrees with us. 
We must hate someone who triggers us. 

And what we see and dislike in someone else is often the very thing we dislike within ourselves. 

Our irritation in someone else is simply a mirror of our own reflection. It's easier to recognize and dismiss an unlikeable trait in someone else than acknowledge our own shadow. 

Where do you use the word hate in your life? 

"I hate doing laundry."
"I hate it when the traffic makes me late."
"I hate him for doing that." 
"I hate how hard it is to lose weight." 

Hate is a strong word that we often mindlessly use for these trivial life experiences. 

Where does the word hate pervade your life? 

In what context does this word come out of your mouth? 

Where can you swap the use of the word hate in your life?

This simple shift will begin to create a ripple effect in your life and in our larger world. 

The energy of hate is the absence of faith and belief that this greater power has our back. 

As you shift your energy, the world begins to shift. 

Decide today how hate will live in your life or if you will swap the use of that word beginning today. 

The truth is... we are not able to control anyone else. 

We can only create change within ourselves. 

We are each responsible for our own little worlds and as we elevate the love in that little world, there is a ripple effect that is powerful and will ignite change in our larger world. 

I am recording a new episode today for tomorrow's Love.Heal.Thrive. podcast. because there is too much on my heart and I want to help support you through this time of spiritual strengthening. Every time our faith is tested, our spirit strengthens. 

Be sure to follow my Love.Heal.Thrive. podcast today to be alerted when the "How to heal hate " episode airs tomorrow. I hope to meet you where you are at tomorrow. 

Much love,

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