What is your silence telling you?

Hi Thriver!

Silent treatment can be a form of withdrawal.

It is the moment when we don’t know how or have the capacity to cooperate or coordinate. It could be that we struggle in trusting someone, believing they will not show up for us in the way we hope or expect. 

It is the ultimate aggression in a way.

Silence itself is a scream for help. 

It is a mushy gushy hurt heart, hiding under a silent exterior. 

It is a moment when we feel that we need to armor up to protect our heart because we believe anything else feels simply too risky.

We wear this armor because we are-more...

  • we are-more sensitive in that moment

  • we are-more vulnerable in that moment

  • we are-more worried we will not be protected, nor held, by the person we are protecting ourselves from. 

What are-mores have you been wearing lately? 

How can you re-assess your use of silence to create an environment around you that will help you feel safe enough to be vulnerable without your armor while also basking in all the wonderful ways you are-more now?

This is only way way to view silence. 

Join me for this week's podcast, What is your silence telling you? as I dive into the 5 types of silence and how we can put them to use in our lives to help us feel more connected, loved and peaceful. 

 Be sure to join me tomorrow and follow my Love.Heal.Thrive. podcast today to be alerted when it releases! 

Good luck this week shedding your armor and allowing the world to bask in all the ways you are-more amazing! 

Much love,

Come and join our community!

Erin Garay