How to find peace when the world is not at peace
How to find peace when the world is not at peace.
A bully at school.
A bully at work.
A family member who acts like a bully.
A country who acts like a bully.
In each of these unprovoked scenarios, the bully simply wants attention.
Hurt people hurt.
In positive parenting, it is taught that if children can’t get your positive attention, they will demand your negative attention.
The same is true for adults.
Although our adult tantrums look a bit different than they did when we were five...most of the time.
My daughter was once being bullied at school. She and I sat down and talked about this boy that was bullying her and …
how he also acted up in class
how busy his parents were
how he was seeking attention from someone… anyone…
how right now, he was seeking attention from her.
So, I coached her that the next time he bullied her to turn around and respond with the following two statements…
“Do you need my attention?”
“Do you need a hug?”
The next time this boy tried to bully her, she responded exactly this way and was never bullied again. Never.
The moment she gave him attention, he stopped.
Hurt people hurt.
As I, like all of us, am grieving and trying to make sense of the senseless with what is happening in the Ukraine right now, I can’t help but to think how all leaders probably need really big hugs right now, like we all do.
As Shel Silverstein penned, “Let’s have a Hug O' War.”
While the idea of a Hug O' War certainly sounds amazing right now, it is impractical.
Or is it?
I do not expect the soldiers in the Ukraine to lay down their weapons and begin a Hug O’ War instead.
(Although let’s all hold that visual for a moment, doesn’t that feel a bit better?)
But what if us all holding that thought together did make a difference?
We are all connected as a human energetic race.
Simply holding the thought of the Hug O' War elevates our collective energetic frequency.
Our thoughts matter.
This is how you can think about someone and then they text or call you.
This is how you know when a loved one needs you and you show up to their rescue based on a feeling.
We are all connected and our thoughts and actions make a difference.
As we surround ourselves with more love and share more love within our current reality, regardless of where you live, it raises the collective energetic frequency of the human race.
You can make a difference right now.
Who can you love in a bigger way today?
Who can you hug today?
I know we all feel powerless and like we can’t do anything to help this situation but as I wrote about a few weeks ago, you can choose love or your can choose fear.
One thing I know for sure..
Your thoughts and actions matter.
As you make a shift, the world begins to shift.
This is why Gandhi always taught:
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Be brave enough to start a Hug O' War in your life and begin hugging as many people as you can each day. Begin to watch what happens within your own world and watch our greater world transform into a place that respects each other and where everyone wins.
Don't believe it? No problem. Simply experiment with it and watch what happens. You will be amazed!
Join me for today’s meditation, Hug O' war meditation, as we hug it out and make peace with our fear, our anger and our frustrations.
Much love & hugs,