How do you spend the first & last 10 minutes of your day?
How do you spend your first and last 10 minutes of your day?
What you do with this time matters.
A lot.
How you spend your first and ten minutes of the day establishes your subconscious programming and determines what you seek to find in your day.
You will always find what you seek.
Here’s how my day begins and ends
Morning routine upon waking:
Clear my energy
Read verse of the day
Read daily Abraham-Hicks abundance message
Read gratitude posts from accountability partners
Bedtime routine:
Write out my gratitude for the day
Shower the day away
Protect my home and family
Clear my energy
Nadi Shodhana breathing
Our energetic hygiene is as important as, if not more important than, our physical hygiene.
You shower and brush your teeth twice a day, are you tending to your energy at least twice a day?
Your 10 minute ritual does not need to be my ritual.
I share this as a model for you to be proactive about what you are feeding your soul the first and last 10 minutes of your day (which will ultimately infuse all of the other minutes of your day.)
What 10 minute ritual can you put together that will help you attract the life of your dreams?
In these challenging times of our world, there is nothing more important than you creating your own inner peace. As you curate this peace, you will begin to create more peace within the world.
We are all connected.
What you do with your energy matters.
Find peace within and you will create peace within your world.
Learning to bookend your day with meditation is amazing, but it doesn't have to stop there. Have you thought about completing a quick driving meditation before you start your car every day?
I use the below technique every time I am in the car. It keeps me safe and also pushes tailgaters away from me and creates openings in traffic that part just like the red sea for me. I love this technique and encourage you to use this every time you get into your car.
Join me for this incredible important technique and tool that will keep you and your cars safe while driving- Keep your car safe meditation.
Help our world find peace. Establishing this state of mind within you the first 10 minutes of your day, the last 10 minutes of your day and every time you drive will create an unimaginable shift for you and this world.
Join me in committing to this practice this week.
If all of our Thrivers commit to doing this for a week, we will make a powerful collective shift in energy that will help to bring more peace to our world. Join me in this powerful group healing.
As you create this shift within you, you help to create a shift within our world. Thank you for coming together to create this healing shift for our world.
Much love,