You are the magnet and broadcast of your life

"Speak your life into existence," they say.

Let's be honest. I say this too. In fact, I said it in last week's love letter, and I believe it. The words we choose to describe our life materialize into the physical experience of our life.

As powerful as the words are that we use to describe our life and to bring our life to fruition, there is something even more powerful than words that turns the life of our dreams into reality.

Our thoughts create energy that emits and broadcasts from us. We often call this our vibe.

You know what I'm talking about. You walk into a room and you can tell if someone has an intense vibe or a chill vibe. Friendly or frenemy. All without saying a word.

Our vibe speaks louder than words.

This is one of my most popular corporate talks as I show and teach teams how the vibe they are broadcasting affects their workplace and their team.

Your vibe speaks louder than your words.

What's your vibe been saying lately?

You can tell what it's been saying by how the people around you are responding to you, how your daily experience has felt and how happy you feel when you look in the mirror at the end of your day.

With this simple awareness, you can shift your life and produce incredible results.

So what can shift your vibe?

Spend time in...

- A gratitude practice

- Meditation

- Completing daily affirmations

- Nature

Placing your energetic bubble of joy and love around when you still feel cranky, after applying the above list but want the world to still be kind to you, is another great solution. This helps you actively choose to emit a vibe that is of joy and love, even if your not quite there that day.

Your vibe is the result of your thoughts.

You are the broadcast of your life. What have you been broadcasting? What do you want to broadcast?

Your thoughts are literally broadcast out to the Universe and just like radio waves, the people around you respond to your message and energy frequency they hear and feel from you.

Have you ever noticed when you leave the house in a bad mood and then all of a sudden every driver around you is a terrible driver, you hit all the red lights and the food you just ordered is cold and bland?

This is life responding to your vibe.

The flip side is true too, isn't it? What happens when you first fall in love? The sky is bluer, the songs on the radio sound better, people are friendlier, and everyone is calling you to make plans.

This too is life responding to your vibe.

Bruce Lipton calls this The Honeymoon Effect.

This is how and why a gratitude practice is so important. It elevates our thoughts, our heart and our energy frequency. It raises our vibe.

You are your own broadcast whether you are the original broadcast or you are dueting another energy for a little while until your own energy is elevated. There are times when we must "fake it til we make it" with the help of your energetic pink love bubble. That pink bubble will help you shift as the world responds to the energy of love that is flowing out of you.

The amazing thing is that the Universe responds to what we send out so actively choosing to send out high vibe energy will result in high vibe experiences right back at you.

Energetically, this is a powerful week to set intention and broadcast how you want your life to manifest. Get quiet, feel it deeply and broadcast it with your energy out to the world and begin enjoying everything your heart desires.

You are broadcasting a version of your life every moment of every day anyway.

So join me for this week's meditation, Broadcasting the life of your dreams, to learn how to broadcast your life on purpose and bask in the enjoyment of all your dreams coming true.

See you in meditation!

Much love,


Erin Garay