How To Heal Your Anxiety


The weeks are beginning to fuse into each other. Our pace is slowing. New patterns are forming. Clarity is beginning to arrive. Truth and connection are rising to the surface because they can no longer be covered up by the blanket of busyness.

Where are you finding your truth right now?

It can be an amazing truth or it can be an ugly truth. Both are important to experience. I think that is what this time is all about.

Discovering the naked truth of ourselves. 

Because the challenges that might be showing up in your home or with the lack of additional people in your life are your challenges, no one else's. We have been given an incredible gift to get to discover these layers within us so we become empowered, connected and strong.  

So often, people blame outside people, things or circumstances for what is not right in their life. 

But your reality is always your truth.  

You have no control over circumstances, other people's feelings or actions, or what is happening in the world. 


You have control over you and your thoughts. In fact, it's the only thing you have control over. But it is all you need. 

What have you been thinking about lately? 

Have you been finding gratitude for the moments with yourself and with your family? Or have you been stuck in the cycle of fear and anxiety?

In the quiet of our hearts and our homes, there seems to remain an underlying fear and anxiety. While this fear and anxiety are a normal response to a threat, long-term anxiety and fear can wreak havoc on your immune system. 

This week's meditation is one of my very best techniques to help you heal your anxiety and rest in a place of safety and security. I hope you find this to be as empowering as I do. I use this technique multiple times a day and find myself in a place of calm. 

Anxiety Healing Meditation 

We get to choose our thoughts.

Our thoughts trigger our emotions, our emotions move our energy and our energy manifests physically. 

Our internal world defines our external world. 

So when the world doesn't feel safe, I encourage you to drop into this meditation for fifteen minutes and find your internal connection and security. As you do this, you will find your Divine safety and security. It will give a break from the gnawing hum of fear that may be escorting your every thought right now. 

Use this as your escape! 

At first, it will feel like a welcomed escape from the worry. Soon, your escape begins to filter into your everyday life and life becomes a walking meditation and you begin to know that you are safe and protected in every moment of every day. 

The fear will heal. You will heal. As you heal, we all will heal because we are all connected.  

As you find your internal safety and security, the world will feel safer and more secure. We bring in more of what we focus on. We aren't just staying home to keep everyone safe.

I encourage you to stay home and meditate.

It is this connection that will help to heal and change the world. 

Much love,