Are You Responding To That Nudge In Your Mind?
Are you listening to your hunches?
Are you responding to the quiet whispers in your mind that tell you to call your mom, slow down or buy some butter?
Our Divine Guidance is incredible and will help us save ourselves from so much hassle when we listen (For one, not having to make a return trip to the store). The really cool part though is that our very same guidance is often used to help others.
How often have you overheard a conversation that was the exact thing you needed to hear? Or a song’s hook on the radio? Have you ever felt the need to say something to someone and it turned around their situation? It is all Divine Guidance provided to help you along your path.
God is incredible and impeccable with His details. It continues to amaze me, even after all this time.
This week, I was working on completing a project with a friend. She emailed me late one night because she was worried about texting me too late. As the Universe would have it, I was working on the very thing she needed. She felt me working. She listened to her nudge. I texted her back and she totally saved me. Before she reached out, I was trying to send the project to Kinkos to make copies. Turns out, I did not have the final version to send. Soo grateful she listened to her hunch to reach out to me and saved me time, energy and money.
This story gets even better though.
The following morning, I was still trying to send my sheets to Kinkos (Ugh! The final days of Mercury Retrograde!).
I was literally floundering, feeling frustrated and completely inept, beginning to get very nervous because my first client of a really packed day was about to show up and still needing to send my sheets to Kinkos for a meeting that I had that afternoon.
At this precise moment, this same friend texts me with all the directions I would need to send my sheets to Kinkos. Essentially telling me I don’t need to fool with all the account set up, I can just email them directly AND provides the email address. Easy as 1-2-3. Then, she actually ended up offering to email them herself since she finalized the project.
Her timing was flawless.
She responded to the Universe’s nudge…twice.
I have never felt so connected and so watched over and protected.
I am so grateful because I needed her help so badly and although I felt the nudge to reach out to her myself, my human side felt worried about asking for more help because she had already helped me so much. I ignored my hunch. Thank goodness she didn't ignore hers.
Listen to your nudges.
It might not always make sense at first why you are being asked to do something but it always makes sense afterwards, and it is incredible.
There are lots of needs this Holiday season. Listen to your nudges, act on them and give someone the best gift that money could never buy.
Much love,