The Spiritual Lessons of "Eat, Pray, Love"

Hi Thriver! 

Recently, I spent another day in the air flying from coast to coast applying all of the spiritual travel tools
I suggested on last week’s podcast, Mindful Travel. As always, it was a delightful day of travel. 

I also basked in the rewatching of the movie, "Eat Pray Love". I love that each time you rewatch a movie, or reread a book, you are met in new and different ways than your first experience with them because you are in a different energetic space. The messages of the same movie will land differently with you. 

This was my experience with "Eat. Pray. Love." 

My mouth still watered over the delicious food scenes and my soul remained inspired by the language, colors and culture of every location.

But a few of the spiritual teachings landed on me differently this time. 

 I dive into my top 7 favorite spiritual lessons from "Eat Pray Love" on this week’s podcast, Exploring the 7 spiritual truths found in “Eat Pray Love”.

I have been quoting this one lesson all week long though and wanted to share it with you here.

At this moment during the movie, the lead character, Liz is living at an ashram and is trying to move past an old relationship and

Liz says, “I thought I was over him, but I love him.”
Her friend Richard from Texas replies, “Big deal. So you fell in love with someone.” (This is actually his name in the movie :) Richard from Texas)
Liz responds, “But I miss him.”

Richard from Texas counsels her, ever so wisely, “So miss him. Send him some light and love every time you think of him, then drop it. You know, if you could clear out all that space in your mind that you’re using to obsess over this guy and your failed marriage, you’d have a vacuum with a doorway. And you know what the universe would do with that doorway? Rush in. God would rush in. Fill you with more love than you ever dreamed of.”

I have talked about this vacuum concept on many occasions.

When we make space for the Divine to bless us, we are blessed in ways we may never expect.
But when we hold onto the control and fear that our personal identity wants to cling to, we forgo the blessings offered by our Divine Source. 
When we let go of the hurt, the frustration, the irritation and literally push it out of our container of thought by sending it love and light and allowing that to be the end of it, we create the space necessary for Divine Infusion. 

We do so much more than make space in our mind. 

This opening creates the very vacuum Richard from Texas references. We not only create space, we offer an invitation to the Divine that says I surrender my plan to yours. Come on in and bless me.
It is this very invitation that ignites the vacuum of blessings into your life.
Give this a try this week. Keep the phrase, “Send them love and light and drop it.” In your mind. 
Any moment you feel your mind following a course of frustration or resentment or hurt, don’t allow your mind to go down that path. Keep your mind and focus centered here within the center of your mind and send them love and light and drop it so you can stay in your own center ring that creates this vacuum of blessings. 

Enjoy creating a powerful and focused center ring and let me know how many blessings you vacuum in this week! 
Join me here in our community and share this lesson with everyone you know who needs this guidance today and join me tomorrow for the Exploring the 7 spiritual truths found in “Eat Pray Love”. 
Much love,

Erin Garay