How to obtain optimal health

Hi Thriver! 

An atom is 99.99999 percent energy and 0.00001 percent physical substance,” says Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One and Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind.

Our energetic frequency is measurable, and we can know what frequency we are measuring at based on the emotions that we are experiencing in any given moment as I shared in my
Raising Your Energetic Vibration blog. 
The average frequency of the healthy human body is typically between the range of 62-72 MHz.

When we are experiencing a cold/flu- this average can lower to 58 MHz.

When a human body is experiencing greater illness, the average can drop to 42 MHz.

When we maintain a higher energetic frequency, our physical body does not break down.

If our energy isn’t weak, our body doesn’t weaken.

We can maintain a higher frequency by raising our emotions, practicing meditation and eating food that is high in vibration. 

Have you ever used a pendulum to measure the energetic frequency of your food?

Pendulums are not magic. 

Pendulums are comprised of a weighted object at the end of a chain. This can be a crystal, a metal object or simply a necklace. The pendulum begins to move in the same direction as the object it is reading. The object releases its own energetic frequency, and this energy begins to move the pendulum in the same direction. 

This is a powerful way to know if the food in your kitchen is still fresh enough to eat. I keep one in the kitchen for this purpose exclusively. 

Several years ago, I gave a talk on Eating to Raise your Energetic Vibration. At the end of this talk, I had each attendee hold a pendulum over multiple food items to read the energy to begin to understand this concept. 

It was fascinating! 

I brought an egg from my refrigerator (organic & grass-fed) and brought an egg freshly laid that morning from our backyard hens. I brought a lemon from the store and one that was freshly picked from my yard that morning. 

As you might imagine, the freshly laid egg and freshly picked lemon both moved the pendulum faster as they both held a higher vibration having each been more connected to source energy either through the roots of the tree or within a living animal. 

You can check out my video,
How to Pendulum your food here

How could this apply to the moments when you caught a cold? Were you eating high vibrational food or lower vibe food? 

This is such a game-changing perspective when it comes to managing our health. I would love to hear your story
HERE on how you use your pendulum for better health or to read your food. 

Join me for tomorrow's powerful podcast,
Winter Wellness: Exploring the Powerful Connection between our energetic frequency and optimal health as we dive into the many ways to improve your energetic frequency and maintain the healthiest state available to you. 

Much love,

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Erin Garay