What is the ring of truth?

Have you ever heard a speaker say something or have you ever read a theory and felt its truth in your body?

You may have felt chills up your spine, a depth of power in your gut, a flutter in your heart or goosebumps on your skin.

This physical response to truth is termed the "ring of truth" since truth resonates deeply with our vibration. The frequency of those words experienced feels in sync with our own frequency.

This Universal Confirmation occurs when we hear truth or lessons that feel accurate, receive a message from an Angel or discover new insight that reveals that the intuition we felt was correct. We can also feel it simultaneously upon receipt of our intuitive guidance.

Scientifically, goosebumps are a natural nerve response from the sympathetic nervous system - the nerves that are responsible for our unconscious fight or flight response. Our sympathetic nervous system mounts a response to fear, but it has also been proven that it also responds to awe, excitement, and pride, according to research from Harvard Medical School.

Deep truth vibrates at a similar frequency to awe.

Our soul contains its own record of knowledge, called the Akashic Records, and when truth is heard, it rings true with this soul knowledge and is also felt deeply by physical symptoms.

Truth is felt mentally, emotionally, energetically and physically.
On the contrary, have you ever felt the energy in the air of someone lying?

It feels heavy on your spine, an apprehension in your gut, a protection over your heart and you may even find yourself stepping backward away from the person who is lying as your energetic body does not want to integrate with the low vibration of lies.

This is how "actions speak louder than words". It should really say "energy speaks louder than words".

We feel the energy of the message being delivered- truth or lie.
The vibration of a message is either in sync with our soul or it is discordant.

I give an entire talk on How our Vibe speaks louder than words and this is one of the concepts we cover.

Basking in the ring of truth invites our energetic body to resonate at its highest level and attract more truth-tellers into our lives.

We attract the vibration where we are at

When have you felt the ring of truth? I would love to hear your story in our Facebook community and Instagram community.
This week during the mediumship session on the Love.Heal.Thrive. podcast (out tomorrow), there was a powerful moment of truth where the ring of truth was felt so deeply and heard so loudly we had to pause. My hope is that you bask in this ring of truth throughout your life too.

When we are looking to make life decisions, big or small, we are seeking this ring of truth to guide us toward the right choice. This resonance simply feels right when we've made the right choice. Join me for this week's meditation, Making Decision meditation to get quiet and help make the decision most in sync with your highest self.

I hope for you a week of high-vibe truth ringing and powerful decision making!

Much love,
