How to manifest your desires quickly

What makes something manifest quickly in our life versus something taking ages to materialize?

Believability and allowance.

When we believe our desire is the next, natural step, it materializes as the next, natural step very quickly.

When we know our worth and know we are deserving of our manifestation, we allow this blessing in and it presents itself almost instantly.

But often, we believe we must be smart enough, experienced enough, or perfect in every way to be worthy of our manifested desire.

The efforts we make toward any goal are often taken because we believe arduous steps need to be taken for us to believe we are worthy of our dreams. Once we've taken those steps, we believe we are worthy and allow our blessings in.

The truth is we do grow and learn and change as a person through our work. However, many people get stuck here in this cycle of hard work without ever allowing their blessings in.

Allowance and believability in our dreams can be hard to experience, especially if we have spent our lives believing we are not worthy of our dreams.

But it doesn't need to be this way.

If it is your dream, it was placed in your heart for a reason.

When we can take a step back and think about how we will feel when we have accomplished our dream, we can use this generalization as a magnet to bring in even more than our heart’s desire.

One incredible tool to create rapid fire manifestation is the Universal Thank You Letter. In this process, you will write a thank you note to the Universe or God or Whoever feels right to you and thank He/She/They for everything you desire. Write this thank you note in the past tense as if every single one of your desires has already arrived and you are basking in its glory. As you read this letter every single day, you begin to blur the lines between reality and your desires as you begin to feel the satisfaction of this completion. As you feel this satisfaction and joy, your energy begins to broadcast the frequency of satisfaction and joy.

We are energetic magnets so as you emit this frequency, you attract your desires.

Here is a great example from an Abraham-Hicks follower in how he manifested all his heart’s desires in 30 days. It happens quickly.

Thank you Letter Process

I just completed this exercise just over a week ago and I already manifested several items on my thank you note. This is such a powerful tool. I want you to complete this so badly that I dedicated this week’s meditation to this process.

In today’s meditation, What time is it? It’s thank you note time- an active gratitude meditation, I help you establish an elevated energetic state and then lead you in writing your letter from this space. I can’t begin to tell you how powerful this process is and how quickly it works.

Grab a pen and a piece of paper or your notes in your phone and come and meet me in meditation.

Once written, be sure to read your thank you note every day and watch how fast your life begins to shift. I can’t wait to hear all about it!

Much love,