How to remain centered this holiday season
Have you ever walked into a room and said something you didn't mean and later regretfully wished you hadn't?
Have you ever struggled to get focused?
Have you ever wished you could just feel cool, calm, and collected? Especially during the holidays?
We often feel disheveled and distracted when our energy is too scattered or spread too thin.
Our attention mirrors our energy.
When our energy is grounded and focused, our attention is grounded and focused.
The opposite is true too.
When our energy is spread too thin, so is our attention and patience.
If we could see our energy, it would look similar to a pixelated photo.
Just as we resize and consolidate a pixelated photo, we can resize our aura and the far-reaching aspects of our energetic body. By re-establishing the new energetic state, you are able to approach life from a place of empowerment, certainty, and strength.
Join me for this week's meditation, Centering Rescue Meditation, and learn this quick life-altering technique.
It will not only help you respond from a powerful place this holiday season but it will offer you the technique needed to handle any challenging conversation or stressful period in your life.
I use this technique daily!! In fact, I use this multiple times throughout my day to maintain a grounded and present state. I hope it helps you too!
Much love,