How Do You Know That You Are Protected?
Have you ever noticed a round orb in your digital pictures at weddings or baptisms? Have you ever seen a burst of light in the image when you were feeling great and having the best time ever?
This is how our angels, the Holy Spirit and energy reveals itself to us in our modern day pictures. My daughter just received her confirmation on Friday and this picture was taken at the event. I have not edited this picture at all, not even cropped it, because I didn't want it looking altered in any way.
It is as if the Divine was encapsulating her and her sponsor with its own blessing. The above image was at a beautiful ceremony. The below picture was after I had prayed hard, like the teary intense "OK God, now I really need you" prayer, because my daughter was going through some intense stuff at that time. I took this picture one minute after that prayer and it showed me just how protected she was from all that was going on.
There may be some technical photographic reasoning as to why this happens but I, honestly, have only had it happen at the most energetic moments in my life. These orbs often show up at church pictures and in nature, two highly energetic locations. I find it so comforting, especially during these times, to know and see just how very protected we are every minute of every day.
Don't want to wait around for your own orb picture? Join me in this week's meditation, Do you wish you could feel safer?, to create your own pink bubble of self-love and protection that will help you feel less sensitive to all the chaos in the world right now. You are always protected and now you have proof. You can borrow mine until yours shows up in your upcoming pictures. I can't wait to see them!
Much love,