Making Sense of it All


Are you struggling seeing images of the world’s challenges right now?

Are you having a hard time listening to anymore news or hearing one more story about the world’s current struggles?

Is the fear of touching someone or something disturbing you on a deep level?

You are not alone.

We are grieving the life we lived before this pandemic. We often experience a numbing of our senses during any type of grief. As our hearts are healing while vulnerable, it feels safer to minimize the experiences our full senses bring in until we feel stronger and more prepared for more sensation.

Life as we knew it has changed on many life-altering topics. As with all grief and change, this will all ultimately bless us and it’s OK to grieve our old life too.

As a result of this grief, our senses are suffering. 

We want to unsee certain images that have burned their way into our memory.

We don’t want to hear anymore bad news or that another issue has come up. More deaths. Longer quarantine. We no longer want to hear the news or the same story again and again. We have exposed so much in the past month that now we fear hearing one more thing. We’re just not sure we can take it.

We are petrified to touch each other or any handle or door knob so we don’t catch or spread the virus. 

We are acutely aware of our sense of smell as perhaps our lack of smell could indicate we are getting ill. Our sense of smell is full of fear. 

We miss the taste of our favorite foods made by our grandmother or our favorite restaurant. 

In fact, cooking encompasses all of our senses. We want the food to be colorful and beautiful, taste wonderful, smell amazing, embody the perfect texture, and sound delicious as we hear the popcorn popping or the bacon sizzling to perfection. Aside from our nourishment, this is, in part, why food is so precious to our life experience. It helps us feel more alive by activating all of our senses. 

A rich life embodies the activation of all of five senses. Our senses have been on hold, or masked for good reason, but never the less they have been masked. 

Life doesn’t feel the same. 

But it doesn't have to feel this way. 

It s possible to feel safe enough once again to experience your senses through this pandemic.

Each of our senses is connected to a chakra energy center and a time period of our life.  As our energy becomes stagnated, our senses are affected. Life is too precious not to be richly enjoyed, even now. I’ve heard countless stories of families reconnecting, garages being cleared out and friends talking more. There are many pandemic blessings.  

The grief we are experiencing through this is normal. Grief prepares us, strengthens us and readies us for the goodness that is coming next. This is a time for us to reconnect with ourselves and learn, maybe for the first time, how to make sense of it all. 

Much love,

Join me for me 6-week healing meditation journey, Making Sense of it All, as we heal our grief and our senses together! 


Are you struggling seeing anymore images of the world’s challenges right now?

Are you having a hard time listening to anymore news or hearing one more story about the world’s current challenges?

Is the fear of touching someone or something disturbing you on a deep level?


You are not alone.

We are grieving the life we lived before COVID. We often experience a numbing of our senses during any type of grief. As our hearts are healing while vulnerable, it feels safer to minimize the experiences our full senses bring in until we feel stronger and more prepared for more sensation.

Life as we knew it has changed on many life-altering topics. As with all grief and change, this will all ultimately bless us and it’s OK to grieve our old life too.

As a result of this grief, our senses are suffering.

Our five senses- smell, taste, touch, sight, hearing- help us to experience a deeply rich and expansive life. However, over the past 4 months, our senses have been overloaded and taxed.

We no longer want to see because we are struggling with wanting to “unsee” so much of what has happened.

We fear hearing anymore bad news. More deaths. Longer quarantine. We no longer want to hear the news or the same story again and again.

We are acutely aware of our sense of smell as perhaps our lack of smell could indicate we are getting ill. Our sense of smell is full of fear.

We are afraid to touch anyone and nervous to touch anything because we may contract the virus.

We miss tasting our favorite foods made by our grandmother or our favorite restaurant.

Our senses are suffering. We are suffering. Life feels lacking and we no longer feel complete. Fear has pervaded every sense and everyone life experience.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Join me for this 6-week healing session as we dive into the emotions and energetic healing of one sense per week with a culmination of all of our senses and handling the world from a place that is empowered and powerful.

Each week’s course will be comprised of the following:

-45 minute talk on how the week’s sense theme is being affected by our emotions , chakra and energy. Learn tangible ways we can mentally and energetically reposition and heal our fear.-30 minute healing session meditation

-15 minute discussion

8/13: Sight

8/20: Sound

8/27: Taste

9/3: Touch

9/10: Smell

9/17: Living our best life with all of our senses

This is going to be a powerful and timely class and I look forward to healing with you and empowering you to live your best life through this pandemic. I look forward to you joining me for this incredible healing session during a time our 5 senses, and our lives, and our souls need it most.

Much love,
