What Is Patience Anyway?
I am a get-it-done kinda girl.
I am highly intuitive so if I am inspired to do something, I believe it is the Universe telling me to get it done and there's no time to waste. It's done as fast as I can humanly complete it. Whatever it is...
So...you can imagine my frustration when I want something to happen and the Universe has decided it's not time yet.
It could be a green light...it could be a work engagement..it could be waiting on my children to clean their room...doesn't matter.
The waiting forces me to be patient.
And oh my...there is so much growth to be had in that word patient.
Patience is accepting that EVERYTHING happens in perfect Divine timing.
It is living in a state of allowance that life happens at a perfect pace.
When do we do that? When do we believe life is happening at a perfect pace?
However, when we surrender and trust the pace and allow life to happen in the perfect way, we are showered with blessings. You might remember the Maui Blessings blog from the summer. It is times like these when blessings shower us when we let go and allow... and when we are patient.
And patience doesn't just show up with things or events.
Patience also requires great compassion from us as we allow others to live and learn in their perfect Divine timing as well.
We can get so frustrated with our friends, partners or children because they aren't __________ (you fill in the blank).
When really, that blank is about our lack of patience with them. It is our lack of respect and compassion for letting their Divine timeline be on their time.
Our frustration is our job to resolve, not theirs.
That person that is driving you crazy...and there is a LOT of that right now because we are feeling the effects of the Full Hunter's Moon.... will require your patience.
Patience is remembering they are on their own journey, their own timeline and their own process for understanding.
Your job is to understand you and love your own timing, your own process and your own timeline.
And when you do that....you will find that you have the patience you've been seeking all along.
Patience begins with you.
Trust the process. Trust the plan. And you will wake up to a life that is overflowing with unexpected blessings.
Much love,