Do You Suffer From The Firework Effect?
We had a front row seat for the fireworks this year, as we do every year. My aunt's house is distinctly positioned right next to the city's firework's launching pad, and all we have to do is hang out on her lawn for what feels like our own private fireworks show.
The fireworks were breathtaking, of course. But as we were catching our breath in between every display, there was a quiet conversation going on between the "oohs" and "ahhs" that I found fascinating.
We noticed that the sound of the fireworks traveled slower than the light. We would see the firework explode, and then a few seconds later, we would hear the boom. And while this is not a new, scientific phenomenon by any means, I did begin to think about how it applies to our lives, as usual.
(This is actually my photo from my phone.)