TEDx Proposal:

The Power of the Present Moment

The Power of the Present Moment Talk

will offer your audience the opportunity to:

  • Begin to recognize how they spend their time in rumination by basking in the “Good Ol’ Days” , walking down Memory Lane, worrying, regretting and playing the game “I wish I would have,,,”

  • Become equally aware of the time spent in imagination where these states of mind include: prediction and probability, worry and Choose your own Adventure.

  • Recognize where they spend their thoughts and how thoughts equal time.

  • Draw their thoughts in from the past and future and move their thinking into the present moment though several ways. Together, we will draw in the past first with a mindful breath and follow-up with a mindful breath to draw in the future-paced imagination. The audience will learn how to apply 5-minute time blocking at home with the goal that life becomes their abundant and joy-filled present moment.

    Here is a snippet from my book launch talk back in September. This will give you an idea of my speaking personality on stage.

  • Please note: I will not speak to energy in this talk. I understand the TED rules, and will keep this talk on topic to the power of the present moment.



Thank you so much for your consideration! I would love to connect and discuss how I can help make your event unforgettable for your attendees. You can reach me at 650-743-6444 or at Erin@Love HealThrive.com

If you would like to learn more about me and my work, I invite you to check out the following:

My website: Love.Heal.Thrive.

My book: Establishing Equilibrium

My YouTube Meditations:

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

All my best,

Erin Garay

“Love yourself enough to heal. Heal yourself enough to thrive.”