Podcast Charts & Links
Episode 1: Family Bonding and Healing Anxiety
In this first episode, we dive into the Destiny Card system and dissect how to better communicate with this guest's family. We take what we have learned from the Destiny Cards and apply this healing and connect the dots to heal her anxiety in this powerful solution-based podcast. After healing from rectal cancer, this guest has struggled with migraines and anxiety. Tune in to see how this authentic and vulnerable conversation leads to all of these pieces being identified and connected to create a powerful playbook for life for this guest.
Want to know your own Destiny Card before listening so you can follow along? Look your card up here: http://www.knowyourdestinycards.com
Here are the images referenced in the podcast.
Episode 2: An overworked exhausted mother breaking the family cycle of anger
Welcome to our 2nd episode although I must confess this was my very first recording. I now have way better equipment so the recording itself is not the best but this conversation is just too powerful not to share. I hope you’ll appreciate the heart of this episode and forgive the less-than-perfect recording.
This guest heals from being an overworked mom and breaks the cycle of her angry mother mistreating her while learning how to better communicate with her family through the Destiny cards, Enneagram and personal hypnotherapy healing while in meditation. You will be touched and healed from her beautiful story.
Want to know your Destiny Card before you listen? Find out your card at http://www.knowyourdestinycards.com
Want to know your Enneagram number? Take a short 10-15 minute quiz at http://ecclecticenergies.com/enneagram/test
Episode 3- How the enneagram, destiny cards and love language intersection changed a family’s dynamics
Families need to know how to communicate better but we also need to know when we need to give each other, and ourselves, space. In this week’s episode, we dive into the destiny cards, enneagram and feng-shui to help this family understand how best to communicate with each other and to connect on an even deeper level. Through a few family and home shifts, this family is going to experience each other in such a new and meaningful way.
Episode 4: Psychic Medium reading helps mom handle challenging child and feel connected and loved
This week’s guest came in for a podcast recording and left with having had a conversation with her deceased mom. I am not only an intuitive but also a naturally-born medium who had to seek out a medium coach to get my abilities under control years ago. While this has not been something I have pursued professionally, the need for this conversation was absolutely undeniable. This guest’s mom was trying to contact her through me for two weeks prior to our meeting and the love, connection and healing that was felt through this reading was so touching. I hope you enjoy listening to this incredible episode.
Episode 5: Perfectionism, arthritis, anxiety, and digestion issues healed through medical intuitive energy read and enneagram patterning
This episode kicks off with an intuitive read to heal this guest's arthritis, anxiety, and digestion issues. The solutions are found in the emotional and energetic links that are triggering them. This Life Playbook includes healing for these physical ailments as well as a deep dive into the family's enneagram structure as we explore enneagram numbers 7w8, 6w5, 4w3, and 8w7. We explore their greatest fears, what they need to hear and what never to say to them. Powerful advice is offered in helping each enneagram number find peace by balancing the withdrawal, compliance, and assertion of each type. There is so much healing, joy, laughter, and fun to be found in this episode.
Episode 6: Allergies & Acid Reflux and their incredible connection
Are you struggling with allergies, a stuffy nose, itchy eyes, and acid reflux?
Would you believe these are all connected emotionally and energetically?
Check out this week's podcast to find out how to heal these from their root cause.
Once we dive into these physical ailments, we explore how this family's Destiny Cards, Enneagram types and love languages play a role in these ailments as well as lay out a powerful Life Play Book that helps this family communicate better and hold more compassion for each other. This episode is so informative and fascinating to see how all of these dots connect!
Want to follow along with the charts?
Click here: https://www.LoveHealThrive.com/podcast-links
Want to know your destiny card before we get started?
Want to know your enneagram type?
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Weekly Love Letter,: https://www.lovehealthrive.com/
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InsightTimer: https://insighttimer.com/eringaray