Emotion & Energy Mapping


Our thoughts trigger emotions. Emotions move energy. Energy manifests physically.

Thoughts trigger emotions.
Emotions move energy.
Energy manifests physically.

This phrase is at the heart of my practice and is the essence that is carried throughout my entire book, Establishing Equilibrium, available in print now and on Audible on Tuesday, March 5th.

What does this phrase look like in real life?

Let's explore this through the example of blushing.

You find yourself at an associate’s party and you are politely making small talk when suddenly a good friend enters the circle and reveals something personal that perhaps the circle of col leagues may not have known. This ignites a thought:

"Oh, that’s embarrassing."

This thought of embarrassment triggers the emotion of embarrassment, and you find yourself feeling embarrassed.

The embarrassment emotion shifts the energetic vibration of your cells to the frequency of embarrassment, which in turn launches your physical cells into motion to move the blood and energy to your face and chest where you then . . . blush.

What is true for something as simple as blushing is true for all of our bodies’ ailments, as well. As you begin to look deeper into your thoughts, emotion, and energy, you will begin to heal your body in ways you never knew were possible.

I invite you to dive into your thoughts, emotions, energy and thus, your physical healing in a bigger deeper way.

Join me for an Energy & Emotion Mapping Session!

Did you know that you have energetic patterns that are trying to direct you toward a heathier path in your life?

When we know what to look for, we can combine the signs our bodies offer into one clear directive toward a healthier body and mind.

What does a pattern coaching session include?

This powerful 90-minute exploration of your energetic patterns offers you an opportunity to listen to what your body has been trying to tell you.

Often, we believe we have a checklist of ailments or issues that we need to heal (ie foot fungus and digestive issues) but these symptoms are typically linked energetically. So, rather than feeling the need to heal 4-5 ailments we can consolidate your efforts and guide you toward specific energetic recommendations toward one powerful healing that heals the issue from the root energetic cause.

In this session, you will receive:

  • A written report detailing the emotional meaning behind what each ailment represents

  • Within this report, we draw the similarities to each emotion and the energetic connection to each ailement

  • We connect-the-dots to the emotional, physical and energetic patterning

  • Create a road map to true healing based on the causes of the emotional eruption that ignited the energetic stagnation within the body.

*This or any other coaching session does not replace medical assistance and is in no way responsible for your healing. These sessions show you your patterns and guide you toward the best path to empower you to heal yourself.

How can I help? Let me know right here!