Welcome to your Chakra Series Tribe!
Welcome! I am so excited to begin this journey with you!
I hope you found an amazing binder.
1) Print out the class sheets and add them to your binder and find your favorite pen. This will create a sacred place for you to return back to each week and, once this course is complete, will become an incredible reference guide for you to heal your own energy and life. You are going to do some amazing journaling during this course that will then be healed in meditation. It’s some powerful stuff, and I can’t wait to share it with you!
2) Create space in your schedule to honor this time for you. You’ve made a great investment into yourself by purchasing this class. I am so excited for you. We get out what we put in. I designed this course to be full of content, healing and inspiration and do it efficiently. So, carve out the one hour you will need to complete your videos, mark it on your calendar and honor that space for your healing. It will be worth it!
3) Feel free to watch the class and meditation as many times as you like. I have some students who listen to my meditations every day. Videos will be available for 6 months.
4) Please watch the videos in order. This system, like many systems, is foundational. There will be some chakras that are harder than others for you. This is because there is more work to do here. Please begin with the 1st chakra and work your way up. We begin at the bottom and strengthen those chakras in a big way to support your way all the way to the top. This system builds on itself so please go step-by-step beginning with the 1st Chakra.
5) If you’d like to purchase your own essential oils, you can purchase oils through my Doterra Link here.
I am so happy you have taken this step to heal what has been holding you back and change the patterns that keep showing up in your life.
Much Love,
Welcome to your 1st Chakra- this is where safety, security and acceptance lives!
In this chakra course, you begin to build your foundation to your energy system and life. We are only as strong as our foundation so we will do some great work in this section. In these videos, you will begin to learn how to feel safe, secure, accepted and provided for in your life. This is a powerful week and will leave you feeling peaceful, present and sleeping great!
Here are the videos and class sheet to your 1st Chakra- Root Chakra Course:
1st Chakra Class Sheet Download
Welcome to your 2nd Chakra- the seat of your emotions and desires!!
Your emotions, creativity and juice for life live here. What are you being called to create in this life? This sacral chakra class and healing, traditionally, has left my students resolved, healed and feeling emotionally at rest. It can be incredibly cathartic and healing. I hope you have the very same experience. It may be a good idea to carve out a little bit of extra time for this chakra’s healing and processing. The Emotional Equilibrium it will bring you will be well worth your time investment.
Here are the videos and class sheet to your 2nd Chakra- Sacral Chakra Course:
2nd Chakra Class Sheet Download
Welcome to your 3rd Chakra-where you turn your fear into faith!
The 3rd chakra invites you to come into your truest form of you! You will burn away what does not serve you and ignite what is being called to show up in the world! Our Solar Plexus invites you to be YOU!
Here are the videos and class sheet to your 3rd Chakra- Solar Plexus Course:
3rd Chakra Class Sheet Download
Welcome to your Heart Chakra -the home of self-love and non-attachment!
The heart chakra is where you will release attachments to people, places, things, and outcomes and learn how to only give from overflow as you fill up your own self-love bucket!
Here are the videos and class sheet to your 4th Chakra- Heart Course:
4th Chakra Class Sheet Download
Welcome to your 5th Chakra where you convey your truth and feel truly heard!
The 5th chakra is the home of conveying your truth, feeling truly heard and manifesting the life of your dreams! When we listen to ourselves, I mean really listen, we find that we have less need to be validated by someone else listening to us. We find ourselves sharing from a more balanced and healed place.
Here are the videos and class sheet to your 5th Chakra- Throat Course:
Welcome to your 6th Chakra where you will tap into your Divine Creativity, Innate Wisdom and true guidance!
When we balance our 3rd eye, we are able to discern our Divine Guidance with more clarity and life feels easier as you feel guided step by step from the Divine. You find yourself tapping into a Universal creativity and channel Divinely-inspired ideas.
Here are the videos and class sheet to your 6th Chakra- 3rd Eye Course:
Welcome to your 7th Chakra where you are connected to all, begin to understand all and experience all!
Our 7th Chakra is where we are connected to everyone and everything and truly embody the message, “Everything happens for a reason.” It is a powerful chakra that aligns us with the universe and everyone in it. We are truly all connected.
Here are the videos and class sheet to your 7th Chakra- Crown Chakra Course:
Welcome to Chakra Integration where you learn how this system works as a whole!
In this course, you will learn how the chakra system works as a whole, balancing and supporting each other to create a healthy and strong energy system. You will learn which chakras partner with each other and how to use this system to live an empowered and healthy life.
Here are the videos and class sheet to the Chakra Integration Course.
Chakra Integration Class Sheet