4-Week Intensive Coaching Program


When we become aware of our patterns, we no longer take things so personally.

“Love Yourself Enough to Heal. Heal yourself Enough to Thrive.

This 4 session transformation program is made up of 4  90-minute sessions that will take you through the foundation of your life and will offer you a personalized complete Life Playbook. 

Your transformation will:

  • help you discover your patterns- both supportive and destructive  

  • teach you how to love yourself

  • heal, redirect and accentuate your patterns

4 session breakdown

Week 1- Emotional & Energetic Road Map- Based on a previously answered questionnaire you will have submitted to me, we will review your emotions and physical concerns. We map out the outline for your Life Play Book as we review the emotional and energetic connections and discuss childhood stories that may be playing a role in your patterns. Introduction to energy centers and the powerful role they play in your life. Establishing morning routine, subconscious programming and how love language creates expectation.

Week 2: Destiny Card assessment-birth chart- This session will teach you how you innately think, love, work, struggle and how best to manage these established patterns and navigate these energies at play in your life and how they integrate with your emotional and energetic road map.

Week 3- Enneagram assessment – A full review of your enneagram number and how best to balance your life by balancing the forces at play with your association with this number and those closest to you. This process helps you to understand your natural impulses and patterns and how to balance them and how these tendencies integrate with your Destiny Card guidance and emotional and energetic assessment.

Week 4-  Destiny Card- Current Year assessment- We take this

A month-by-month guide to help you make appropriate decisions based on the energy at play for you during this window of the year. What decisions to make about work, love, family and life including follow-up summary of instructions  delivered on the day the new window begins. 

*In lieu of the Week 4 Destiny Card Assessment- a two-session healing can be substituted: reiki (Week 4) and hypnotherapy session (Week 5).  We can discuss what feels most necessary at the end of Week 3 to accomplish your goal. 

Price: $2,400 - Price includes coaching time and Life Playbook Creation hours 

Trial Session

$600 - 1 90-minute trial of any one of the above sessions with correlating report can be chosen as an individual assessment of the program

You will receive a personalized road map that…

  • Provides 3 separate reports illuminating emotional, energetic and mindset patterns that are blessing your life or the ways in which these symptoms reveal how these patterns are working against you.

  • Details your patterns for your emotional reactions to stress, joy and pure contentment.

  • Shows areas of growth to help bring whole and complete happiness and true joy into your life.

  • Recommends how to communicate and interact with those you love.

  • How you want to be loved and expect to be loved

Energetic & Emotional Road Map

In this powerful session, we breakdown the physical and mental symptoms you are experiencing and what emotional and energetic triggers that are causing these to materialize and how they are all connected and what to do about it. This strategic assessment guides you toward your healthiest and happiest version of version of you.

Destiny Cards

The Destiny Cards are an ancient static system that pre-date the Tarot Cards and offer us guidance on how we view the world and think, love, succeed and interact with others. This wisdom is offered in the form of charts that have been used throughout the centuries. There is specific energy that exists on every single day

The Enneagram

The Enneagram is a spiritual personality system that separates each personality into 9 distinct personality types and reveals the emotional patterns that are followed in stress and joy.

Learn More here: Enneagram Coaching

The Destiny Cards is an ancient system that incorporates the wisdom of numerology and astrology and assigns each day of the year to one of the 52 playing cards based on the energy that is present that day. Each suit and number within the playing card deck represents a unique personality characteristic and offers us the lens by which you understand and view the world. On any given day, we all experience the energy that exists within those 24 hours but if you are born on that day, you experience that energy year-round. This is such a powerful understanding of how you, and others, interact with the world. When we combine this system with the insight provided from the Enneagram, we obtain a clear and profound understanding of how we personally work in the world.

Curious to hear a live session?

In Season 1 of my Love.Heal.Thrive. podcast, I offered many of these sessions live. Listen here:

Enneagram Coaching

Destiny Card Coaching

How can I help? Let me know right here!